Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
"DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT" is a poem of in the form of a villanelle, and the most famous work of dylan thomas.

I heard the first few lines in the background of a very calming chill mix and decided to look it up. I have been listening to it for years while I work.
The poem is a son's plea to a dying father. His purpose is to show his father that all men face the same end, but they fight for life, nonetheless. The purpose of fighting against death is to realize the importance of being alive. Thomas' voice argues that old people should not consent to dying immediately. His "good men" and "wise men" are the ones who have assumed themselves and reached self-fulfilment throughout their lives. This, for most of us, will not be this grand thing. It will be that small, individual act of satisfying our own lacks.

Literary Devices
Metaphor ---- Good night is a metaphorical expression of death
Alliteration ---- Occurring in 'g' sound in "Go, Gentle, Good" and 'n' sound" in "not, night.
Setting ---- Night, darkness